Friday, April 29, 2011

Nose Ring - Add Spunk and Mystery With Tribal Touch With Nose Rings and Septum!

A nose ring is another body jewelry that you can use and wear for your face. There is nothing more elegant and spunky that a nose ring to a pretty face. There are many types and varieties available. Septum is one of the types of nose ring which is put not on the side wall of the nose rather on the middle partition of nose.
Nose rings have originated in India, though these are not very compulsory to wear, women who do not want to pierce their noses use ones with the clips. Traditional ones are beautifully crafted and can over lower part of the face. Rulers on India preferred that their queens wore exorbitantly expensive ones. These were richly embedded with emeralds, rubies, diamonds, sapphires, making each one cost nothing less than a million dollars.
There were also some common nose rings created from materials like the gold and silver. Silver was rarely used though for nose rings. In South India some of the most well known are the gold ones with diamonds encrusted. Many wear it not on one side but on both sides therefore there are two of these.
No one wants a nose ring that covers half the bottom face, neither do people want to invest into diamond encrusted ones. You will find some which suit your wallet as well as your nose. You can find some absolutely fantastic and chic ones with any body jewelry shop.
Nose ring should be worn regularly; some people may find that the hole simply disappears after they stopped wearing it. Indian girls found a good way of keeping the hole intact by putting in a small tiny thin bit of herbal plant called 'Tulsi' you can keep on replacing it as much as you want.
If you are not interested in wearing a ring and you would rather use a pin, you will find one too. You will also find septum rings. These have the capacity of adding spunk and a little wild factor to your face. It can especially give you the tribal look that is so fashionable right now.
Nose pierce is not common in younger generation; rather it is also done by those who want to try out new stuff with them. You can actually buy a clip on and try it out to find whether or not it looks good on your face. You may need to change your hairstyle to something that can match the nose ring.
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By : Ujwala Bapat

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